Mumma moment: Vanessa Prosser
An absolute breath of fresh air, this local mama has built a following of passionate babes who adore her carefree, healthy way of life. On the verge of adding one more to their gorgeous tribe of three, you can tell Vanessa is taking every day in her stride and simply glowing with excitement! Tara Samuelson grabbed some adorable snaps of Bambi and Vanessa in their final days as a duo!
Tell me about your family?
My little family of 3 soon to be 4. There is my beautiful man Sean he's 23, my gorgeous little girl Bambi that's 3, I'm Vanessa 23 and I'm currently baking along another one (37 weeks pregnant)
Life is great! My partner Sean does fifo work (fly in fly out) so he's away 2 weeks then he's home for 2 weeks so I feel like that's shaped the way we run as a family. What can I say... he's the sensible one with a tad of wildness in him, he's amazingly smart, compassionate, soft natured and always looks after his girls. While I'm crazy, wild and probably still not living in the real world. He's been able to provide this incredible lifestyle for us and let me be a full time mumma and socialiser haha. For example I'm full of crazy ideas, adventures and I'm the biggest risk taker. Whereas Sean's happy to do all of those things but at the right time and he makes sure we don't go broke doing it haha. The perfect combo. Now Bambi is unbelievably the best. I can't get enough of her company, funny conversations, her sense of creativity and confidence. She's a strong passionate little thing. While the one baking along...we know nothing about him or her but already have so much love bursting to give to this baby.

PEOPLE! Any of my friends and family will tell you how much I love people, I remember doing this personality test and it came back being 98% extrovert, so that can give you a taste of how much I love being in someone's company. I just love being in their world... doing life with them. Cheering them on, being excited for their achievements.. being open, going deep into conversations. Nothing gets me going than hanging out with someone or a bunch of people, being a face to face person they can trust, come to in a time of need, laugh with, adventure with and make some sweet memories with.
I guess it's a strange thing to be passionate about but it's the thing that I love the most. Seeing people enjoy life and make the most out of it.

How has motherhood influenced your style?
I wouldn't say I even have a style to be honest. I'm just a comfortable, baggy, beach, bohemian chiller type.
Where's your favourite places to shop for your girl?
#1 Would hands down be second hand clothes.
#2 Would have to be any new, local brands... nothing in particular I just love supporting someone's small business. I try my hardest not to buy from big companies.
What are the biggest lessons motherhood has taught you?
The biggest lessons motherhood has taught me would be to enjoy the simple things, plus have patience, compassion and to know that everyone has their own battles with motherhood. So it's important to have ears and heart open and cheer each other on.

What is the biggest highlight of your parenthood journey so far?
I couldn't even say what the biggest highlight is, there have been hundreds. But it would be the day she was born, Bambi.. it changed our entire lives for the better and everyday my Love capacity keeps growing because of her.
How has your relationship with your own mum influenced the relationship you have with Bambi?
Oh man my mum has influenced my own relationship with my daughter hugely. It's almost like she's instilled a manual in me. She's been one incredible mother with understanding, communication, laughter, fun, making sure i know my worth, Quality time, not being perfect, not being my best friend but actually being a mother, always making decisions based on what she thought was right for me. Which she was right most of the time. We have a incredible bond we speak almost everyday. I just feel like she's left me with such great tools to be the best I can be, without being perfect.
When it comes to raising your children, what are the most important values you hope to instil in them?
For them to know who they are, how much they are loved, always follow their passions and to always think and be kind to others.

What's the best thing about mums?
We rise to any occasion
We are bursting with love
We experience every emotion
We love unconditionally.
What would you say your motherhood mantra is?
Love unconditionally.
Advice for mums-to-be?
You've got this! Motherhood is different for everyone. We all parent differently, every child is different and has different needs. Try to always learn and grow. Shake things up. Just enjoy the season of motherhood because before you know it they will be off to school. Stay present. Find a bunch of other mothers to do life with and enjoy the journey!