May 10, 2017amy osmanhodzic
Mumma moment: Amy Osmanhodzic
Raw. Organic. Wild. These are the words that sum up the oh-so gorgeous Amy Osmanhodzic and her family of five. Drawn to the slow-paced lifestyle of the Byron shire, the lawyer-turned-doola opted for a tree-change late last year. This gentle soul is truly a breath of fresh air. With three kids in tow, it's amazing how Amy can remain so peaceful. Her aura radiates light and her tribe of mini-me's are simply delightful. Photographer Tara Samuelson captured some serious magic between Amy and her youngest, Mabel.

Tell me about your family?
There are six of us - my gorgeous husband, Kemal, our three babies (two girls and a boy) and our little dog, Stella.
What are your kids names and why did you choose them?My eldest is Harper Rose, my middle is Archie Edward and my youngest is Mabel Lily. When we named Harper and Archie, they were the first names that we both really loved. At the time they were still uncommon but now they are up there at the top of the most popular name list! More recently I have had an obsession with old fashioned names so that is why we came up with Mabel.
Aside from being a mum, what are you most passionate about?
Childbirth. I was so fortunate to have had three beautiful birth experiences so now I have made it my mission to spread the positive birth message to the world. I really feel like more women need to know that birth can be beautiful, it can be empowering and it can be the best thing you have ever done in your life.

How has motherhood influenced your style?
Now it's all about comfort and seeing how long I can wear an outfit without washing it! Also, wearing white seems to be out now that we are living in the country surrounded by red dirt.
Where's your favourite places to shop for your kids?
My favourites are Daughter and Yoli & Otis for the girls and for Archie, I love Zuttion and Cotton on Kids.

What are the biggest lessons motherhood has taught you?
That time is precious so don't sweat the small things, love your family hard and spend your time with the friends that bring out the best in you.
What is the biggest highlight of your parenthood journey so far?
Gosh I don't think I could name just one highlight! But I guess my biggest highlight would be how my children have grown up to be really lovely, confident little people. They make me very proud.
How has your relationship with your own mum influenced the relationship you have with your kids?
My mum was always very involved in my life so I would hope my kids see me in the same light as I see my mum. My mum is my rock. She continues to go above and beyond for me and it's certainly been tough coming to the realisation that I now live on the opposite side of Australia to her but I now know that this just means that our time together is even more special these days.

When it comes to raising your children, what are the most important values you hope to instil in them?
To just be kind to everyone. I don't care what they want to do later on in life, so long as they continue to be kind people, I'll be very, very happy.
What's the best thing about mums?
How selfless they are. They automatically put everyone before themselves and will do anything they can to see their children happy.
What would you say your motherhood mantra is?
Find your tribe and love them hard. Once you become a mum, you are going to automatically drift towards those that hold the same parenting views as you so once you find these people - hold onto them tight because when times are tough, these mamas will be your saviours.

Advice for mums-to-be?
Do whatever your heart tells you to do. Don't bother reading any of those parenting or sleep training books - just do whatever feels right for you and your little family. Also, make sure you soak your little ones all up. The past six years of my life have flown by so make sure you make the most of every moment you have with them - the good and the bad.
Amy wears our Bardot crop in amber and Mojo mini in amber, and Mabel wears Bambita Kids Harli Tunic.
Location: Trader Trove.